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PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) - Fresh Graduate External Program KAI Group February 2020

PT KAI (Persero)
PT KAI (Persero) /
PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) - KAI or referred to as "PT KAI (Persero)" is the Indonesian Railways Corporation,fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia. PT KAI (Persero) is a leading state-owned railway transportation services company in Indonesia. PT KAI (Persero) operates primarily as an operator of public railways in Indonesia. Headquartered in Bandung West Java, PT KAI (Persero) now has 9 Operation Area Offices (DAOP), 4 Regional Division Offices (DIVRE), 7 Balai Yasa spread in all over Indonesia. PT KAI (Persero) has 460 locomotives, 95 diesel trains (KRD),760 electrics trains (KRL), 1,745 trains, and 6,997 carriages. PT KAI (Persero) also supported by 6 directly-owned subsidiary companies; PT Kereta Api Logistik, PT Kereta Api Properti Manajemen, PT Kereta Api Pariwisata, PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek, PT Reska Multi Usaha, and PT Railink.

In terms of financial performance, PT KAI (Persero) managed to strengthen its financial performance in 2017. According to information found in PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Annual Report 2017 as cited by, PT KAI (Persero) registered total revenue of Rp 17,938.97 billion in 2017 or increased by 24.03% from Rp 14,463.33 billion in 2016. In 2017, the total net income for the year achieved Rp 1,720.31 billion. That number was 68.95% higher than Rp 1,018.24 billion total net income for the year booked in 2016. Total passenger volume in 2017 reached 394,204,877 passengers. This number is up 11.9% from 352,309,298 passengers in 2016.

To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) is seeking urgently qualified candidates of employee for the position of 

S1 - Pelaksana Humas

  • Male.
  • D4/S1 Communication Science, Visual Communication Design, Public Relations, Communication Management, and Journalism.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm and ideal weight.
S1 - Auditor

  • Male.
  • D4/S1 Management, Accounting, Economic Development Studies, Business Administration, Civil Engineering, Informatics Engineering, and Law.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm and ideal weight.
S1 - Pelaksana Sistem Informasi

  • Male or Female.
  • D4/S1 Informatics Engineering, Information System, and Statistics.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and 155 cm for Female and ideal weight.
S1 - Pelaksana Hukum

  • Male or Female.
  • D4/S1 Law.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and 155 cm for Female and ideal weight.
S1 - Pelaksana Akuntansi

  • Male or Female.
  • D4/S1 Accounting, Management, and Economic Development.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and 155 cm for Female and ideal weight.
S1 - Dokter Gigi dan Umum

  • Male or Female.
  • D4/S1 Dental Medicine, and General Medicine.
  • Attach a professional diploma and academic transcript.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and 155 cm for Female and ideal weight.
D3 - Paramedis

  • Male or Female.
  • D3 Midwifery, and Nursing.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and 155 cm for Female and ideal weight.
SLTA - Masinis

  • Male or Female.
  • SMA/MA IPA, SMK/MAK Electricity, Mechanical, and Automotive.
  • Minimum height of 165 cm for Male and 160 cm for Female and ideal weight.
SLTA - Komdektur

  • Male.
  • SMA/MA IPA, IPS, Bahasa, SMK/MAK Tourism.
  • Minimum height of 165 cm for Male and ideal weight.
SLTA - Pekerja Operasi Prasarana (PPKA)

  • Male.
  • SMA/MA IPA, IPS, SMK/MAK Electricity, Mechanical, and Automotive.
  • Minimum height of 165 cm for Male and ideal weight.
SLTA - Operator KPJR dan Pelaksana UPT Mekanik JJ

  • Male.
  • SMA/MA IPA, SMK/MAK Building Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electronics, and Automotive.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and ideal weight.
SLTA - Teknisi Sarana Kereta Api (TKA dan Depo Sarana)

  • Male.
  • SMK/MAK Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Power, Electronics, and Automotive.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and ideal weight.
SLTA - Petugas Negative Check Sintelis dan LAA

  • Male.
  • SMA/MA IPA, SMK/MAK Electronics, Mechatronics, Telecommunication, and Electricity Power.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and ideal weight.
SLTA - Petugas Pemeriksa Jalur (PPJ)

  • Male.
  • SMA/MA IPA, SMK/MAK Building Engineering, and Civil Engineering.
  • Minimum height of 160 cm for Male and ideal weight.
General Requirements
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
  • Male / Female.
  • Education background
    • Senior high school or equivalent (SMA/MA/SMK) diploma with an average UN / UAN score of at least 7.0.
    • Diploma Degree (D3) with minimum GPA of 3.00 and accreditation of majors/study programs at the time of graduation at least "B" from BAN-PT or accreditation from LAM KES issued by the Ministry of Health / Dinkes.
    • Bachelor Degree (S1) with minimum GPA of 3.00 and accreditation of majors/study programs at the time of graduation at least "A" from BAN-PT, specifically for the formation of Dokter Umum & Gigi, they also attach professional diplomas and professional transcripts as well as Registration Certificates as General Practitioners / Dentists.
  • Age as of  1 March 2020:
    • SMA/SMK: minimum 18 years and maximum age of 25 years old.
    • D3: minimum 18 years and maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Good behavior.
  • No tattoo and for Male no pierced.
  • Not involved in drugs or psychotropic substances.
  • Never been sentenced to prison based on a court decision that has permanent legal force.
  • Never been dismissed at a subsidiary or other institution due to disciplinary punishment.
  • Willing to be placed in all work areas of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero).
For further information about the program, please refer official source from PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) on following link below. If you meet these requirements, please come in person and bring your application directly to Job Fair Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyumas that will be held on 29 February 2020 - 1 March 2020 at Jogja Expo Center. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. ( / Source)
Caution - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never charge a fee from candidates. If there are companies that charge for interviews, tests, ticket reservations, etc., it is better to avoid them because there are indications of fraud. Do not transfer any payments when applying for a job.
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